What to do When under Heavy Spiritual Attack

Continued from here.

The situation I am writing about is still not resolved, and I don’t know how God is going to resolve it. In the meantime, I know what I need to do:

  1. Pray for wisdom and discernment. Now is not the time to start doing things on my own. I need to continue obeying God and following His leading for how to proceed in this difficult situation.
  2. Pray for the person the enemy is using. The person the enemy is using to persecute me is a Christian, which is another aspect of what has me reeling. I must repeatedly pray for him so God will intervene and so that I will not allow myself to grow bitter toward him.
  3. Pray scripture to combat spiritual attack. Beth Moore’s book, Praying God’s Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds, has a chapter devoted to how to address spiritual attack, which includes numerous passages of scripture that Moore has converted into prayers. I am praying many of those scripture prayers aloud daily to invite God into this situation as well as to help me remember that He is in control, no matter how the situation looks.
  4. Watch my words. It is tempting to complain about this situation to anyone who will listen, but that is not what God calls me to do. I need to ensure I allow no unwholesome talk to come out of my mouth about this situation. If I want to complain, I need to do it to God, followed by prayer and thanksgiving.
  5. Keep moving forward. I allowed this situation to paralyze me for a few days, but no longer! I am going to continue in obedience to what God called me to do despite this situation remaining unresolved. I will not allow the enemy’s tactics to distract me from obeying God.

I have not yet reached a place of considering this situation to be “pure joy,” but I can trust that God is in control. I cannot allow my feelings to drive my actions. I love God enough to keep moving forward, even when I would rather quit. I love Him enough to obey, even when it hurts.

[Graphic: Cover of Praying God’s Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds. Courtesy Amazon.]